Star Warsis one of the most quotable media franchises of all time, and whether or not someone is a superfan who can quote the movies and TV shows by heart or someone who has never seen a singleStar Warsmovie in their entire lives, they know, "May the Force be with you" because the dialogue permeates pop culture on a global scale that's difficult to fathom.

The scope of the franchise aside, the scripts for the various projects can seem heavy on jargon, with even cast members from George Lucas' original trilogy complaining about having to pronounce words like "bantha" and phrases like "bullseye womp rats." Without the context of the galaxy far, far away it can often sound like gibberish.Star Warsmay have some of the most memorable dialogue in cinematic history, but it also has some of the most unintentionally hilarious.

10 "I Guess Every Once In A While Both Suns Shine On A Womp Rat's Tail."

It's fitting that Cobb Vanth, the marshal of Tatooine's Mos Pelgo (played by modern Western star Timothy Olyphant in The Mandalorian) would utter some homespun twin sun wisdom that feels more at home in the Old West than it does in the Jundland Wastes.

This memorable line is exchanged between him and the Mandalorian who, while initially upset that the marshal wore a piece of Mandalorian contraband, eventually develops a begrudging respect for the laconic lawman.

9 "Brisky Morning Munchy."

With lines like "Exsqueeze me" and "Okey day", it's not surprising that most of Jar Jar's dialogue is supposed to be funny, but when the Gungan really becomes animated in his heavy dialect, the jocularity appears in full force.

It would be a bit hard for anyone to contextualize what he was jabbering on about after Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi happened upon him in the forests of Naboo, except that brisky morning munchy is a pleasurable pastime.

8 "And I Thought They Smelled Bad On The Outside!"

From the dewbacks on Tatooine to the rancors of Dathomir, many Star Warsbeasts have been domesticated for the purpose of transportation, but none so saliently remembered as tauntauns, burned into fans' memories like the blade of Luke's lightsaber slicing belly flesh.

The joke, uttered by Han Solo inThe Empire Strikes Back as he's stuffing Luke into the stomach of a newly expired tauntaun, is somewhat preposterous in itself, because they ought to smell a lot like polar bears (that is, neutral) given they live in an environment of ice and snow that they don't need to defend by giving off scent markers.

7 "How You Get So Big Eating Food Of This Kind?"

Yoda makes quite a large impression for so small a being when he first appears to Luke on Dagobah inThe Empire Strikes Back.A master troll as well as a Jedi Master, Yoda messes with his potential padawan by pretending to be some blithering old idiot confused about Luke's diet.

Yoda accuses Luke of some kind of deception, given that he eats space lunchables and is three times Yoda's size. Yoda insists that a growing boy like Luke should come back to his place for some mystery soup, which has to be better than his tackle box of food portions. Of course, out of context, someone might assume that Luke's enormous.

6 "Why, You Stuck-Up, Half-Witted, Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder!"

Much of the dialogue in the original trilogy is comprised of made-up words from George Lucas and his creative team, so a lot of talk of "jawas" and "banthas" is bound to confuse anyone outside of the galaxy far, far away, but "nerf herders" is on a whole different level.

When Leia effortlessly rattles off this insult to the fashionably unkempt Han Solo, he doesn't have a problem with being called spoiled or even dumb — he draws the line at being thought of as scruffy-looking!

5 "What An Incredible Smell You've Discovered!"

Han Solo's facetiousness in the face of danger is one of his character's hallmarks, and it's on the nose when he, Chewie, Leia, and Luke end up jumping into the garbage chute to avoid being blasted by stormtroopers.

It's at this point that Han speaks broadly about the odor in the trash compactor, as enthusiastically as though he's remarking on the pleasant bloom of some nearby flora. His dripping sarcasm makes the line baffling out of context.

4 "Not Just The Men, But The Women, And The Children Too."

The prequel trilogy isn't known for its complex dialogue, yet Anakin Skywalker was one character who needed a lot of depth. That being said, there was a moment of inner turmoil arrived when he told Padmé he massacred an entire camp of Tusken Raiders.

Not knowing anything else about what happened, someone hearing this line alone might think Anakin was being very inclusive to the Tusken Raiders, rather than massacring them as he lays the formative groundwork for his fall to the dark side.

3 "Come On, Baby! Do The Magic Hand Thing."

The Mandalorianhas many tongue-in-cheek lines of dialogue, in keeping with the spirit of the original trilogy and the self-referential humor of the sequel trilogy. Greef Karga is a practical man, but he gets playful with Grogu in the Season 1 finale.

Characters like Han Solo have always been able to crack a joke in the middle of a crisis, but not knowing the context of Greef's statement (having Grogu use the Force on some attacking stormtroopers), there are all kinds of activities the line could be suggesting.

2 "Put That Thing Away Before You Get Us All Killed."

Even when she was fighting for her life, Leia still would much rather use diplomacy than violence to solve her problems. When Han is erratically blasting the interior of the trash compactor when they're trying to plan their escape, she demands he relinquish his weapon because evidently, she could care less that he just risked his life to save hers.

Without proper context, anyone overhearing the line might wonder exactly what "it" is, giving way to all kinds of suggestive innuendos that would be more appropriate appearing inSpace Balls.

1 "We Are The Spark That Will Light The Fire That Will Burn The First Order Down."

Even knowing what Poe Dameron is talking about inStar Wars: The Last Jedidoesn't necessarily make this line of dialogue any better. It comes across far more clunky and awkward than any bit of science fiction jargon Alec Guinness had to rattle off in the original trilogy.

Knowing nothing about the implications of rebel forces taking on the galaxy's military junta in the movie, this piece of dialogue reads like the best angst-ridden adolescent poetry.

NEXT: 10 Ridiculous Star Wars Prequel Quotes That Became Memes

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